Bakhtalo Nevo Bersh! Happy New Year!
We sincerely thank you for your support and belief in our common goal.
Dear Roma Community, Friends, and Partners of «Voice of Romni»!
Another year has come to an end, a year filled with challenges, trials, and yet powerful collaborative efforts. Despite the difficulties brought by the war, together we have supported hundreds of families, amplified the voices of Roma women, strengthened and united youth, and taken meaningful steps toward a more just future for all.
We sincerely thank our partners for their support and trust in our shared mission: Eastern Europe Foundation, Kindernothilfe, HIAS, UN Women, UN WPHF, Global Fund for Children, UNHCR, World Food Program, OCHA, Mercy Corps, OXFAM, Center for Disaster Philanthropy, and others.
Together, we prove that even in the darkest times, it is possible to bring light.
Thank you to the Roma community for trusting us and for whom we have become a reliable support, a place of strength filled with comfort, warmth, and mutual respect.
@voice.of.romni 🎄 Дорогi ромська громадо, друзі та партнери «Голосу Ромні»! Ось і завершується ще один рік, сповнений викликів, випробувань і водночас потужної спільної роботи. Попри труднощі, пов’язані з війною, разом ми змогли підтримати сотні сімей, посилити голоси ромських жінок, зміцнити та згуртувати молодь, зробити дієві кроки до більш справедливого майбутнього для всіх. 🙏🏽 Щиро дякуємо нашим партнерам за підтримку та віру у спільну мету: Фонд Східна Європа, Kindernothilfe, HIAS, UN Women, UN WPHF, Global Fund For Children, UNHCR, World Food Program, OCHA, Mercy Corps, OXFAM, Center For Disaster Philanthropy та іншим. Разом ми доводимо, що навіть у найтемніші часи можливо нести світло. ✨ 🤗 Спасибі ромській громаді, котра довіряє нам, для якої ми стали надійною опорою, місцем сили, де панує затишок, тепло і взаємоповага. 🇺🇦 Ми зустрічаємо 2025 рік із надією на мир і нові можливості для справедливої відбудови України. Попереду багато роботи, і ми впевнені, що разом з вами здолаємо всі виклики та зробимо цей рік ще більш результативним. Нехай 2025-й стане роком перемог, нових можливостей і великих звершень. З вірою в краще майбутнє продовжуємо працювати для якісних змін. Бахтало Нево Берш! Щасливого Нового року! #ГолосРомні #VoiceofRomni #Новийрік2025 #NewYear2025 ♬ оригінальний звук – Voice of Romni / Голос Ромні
2024 stands out for me as a year that marked a completely new and elevated level of advocacy and leadership for our organization. This year, we spoke at the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, participated in the Ukraine Recovery Conference, and championed the priorities of Roma women and the Roma community as a whole.
We advocated for meeting the needs of the Roma community in a free Ukraine. For us, this signifies the trust of our partners, recognition of our experience, and acknowledgment of our expertise.
In 2024, the «Voice of Romni» team, with the support of our partners, provided various forms of assistance.
A total of 7,654 individuals received humanitarian aid, ranging from food to essential supplies. Additionally, we restored 50 homes belonging to Roma families that were damaged by Russian
In 2024, we presented the results of a groundbreaking study on gender practices and experiences of gender-based violence in Roma communities — a study unique not only to Ukraine but also to Europe.
We also conducted another significant study, «The State of Roma Communities During the War in Ukraine,» which compares the needs of the Roma community before and after the war began.
Over 500 children visited the child-friendly spaces organized by Voice of Romni across three regions.
We received more than 4,500 applications from families hoping to participate in the summer camp at Vita Lake. Ultimately, 106 individuals were able to recover and rejuvenate in the Carpathians.
In November, we opened a youth space dedicated to fostering leadership skills among Roma youth. We also launched Roma dance classes, creating a vibrant platform for cultural expression and personal growth.
A total of 128 women had the opportunity to attend retraining courses with Voice of Romni, mastering professions such as manicure specialists, hairdressers, and brow artists, among others. Additionally, 10 women received business grants and successfully started their own businesses.
In 2025, we aim to amplify the voices of Roma women and the Roma community on the international stage, achieving victories in this important endeavor. Stay tuned for our updates!
We welcome 2025 with hope for peace and new opportunities for the just recovery of Ukraine. There is much work ahead, and we are confident that together with you, we will overcome all challenges and make this year even more impactful. May 2025 bring victories, new opportunities, and great achievements. With faith in a better future, we continue to work towards meaningful change.