This initiative was made possible through the collaboration between Voice of Romni and OXFAM.

Winter cold always presents challenges, especially for vulnerable groups. The full-scale war has only intensified these challenges for those who already face significant hardships daily.

Thus, the Voice of Romni team concluded 2024 with a significant initiative made possible through collaboration with Oxfam.

We distributed 300 warm winter jackets to Roma children across four regions of Ukraine. In Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv, 60 children each received warm clothing, while in Zakarpattia and Dnipropetrovsk, 90 children in each region were provided with winter jackets.

Of course, this was preceded by the diligent work of our regional office representatives. We visited compact Roma community settlements, collected information on the number of those interested, identified who was most in need of winter jackets, and gathered measurements. Additionally, a tender was held to select the supplier for delivering jackets to the regions. Our team then delivered the jackets to those unable to reach us, while others received them directly at our offices.

This support covered children of all age groups — from infants to boys and girls up to 18 years old. In total, over 80 families received winter clothing. These were the most vulnerable families, where many children were unable to attend kindergartens or schools during the winter due to a lack of outerwear.

For us, this is a symbol of care and support that is urgently needed by the Roma community. During the war, when many families have lost their homes, jobs, and the ability to meet even basic needs, the cost of winter clothing becomes unaffordable. This kind of assistance provides children with a sense of care and gives their parents hope that they are not left alone to face their struggles.

We are grateful to our partners at OXFAM for their support, as together, through our joint efforts, we are spreading kindness and bringing warmth to those who need it most.

@voice.of.romni 👉🏽 Понад 80 родин одержали зимовий одяг. Це найбільш вразливі сім’ї, де багато дітей не могли взимку відвідувати дитячі садки чи школи через відсутність верхнього одягу. ✊🏽 Для нас це знак турботи і підтримки, яка вкрай необхідна ромській громаді. В умовах війни, коли багато родин втратили домівки, роботу і можливість забезпечувати навіть базові потреби, витрати на зимовий одяг стають непосильними. Така допомога дарує дітям відчуття турботи, а їхнім батькам — віру, що вони не залишаються наодинці зі своїми труднощами. 🤝 Ми вдячні нашим партнерам OXFAM за підтримку, адже завдяки спільним зусиллям творимо добро і даруємо тепло тим, хто цього найбільше потребує. #ГолосРомні #допомога #зимовікуртки #VoiceofRomni #ромськагромада #роми #ромки #Запоріжжя #Ужгород #Харків #КривийРіг ♬ TV Positive News Minimalism(1545849) – zomap